2016 Tampa Bay Heart Walk! It’s all about saving lives.
Thank each and everyone of you who again supported me for this years 2016 Tampabay Heart Walk! What a great success at raising funds to help save lives, we couldn't have done it without you!
Thank each and everyone of you who again supported me for this years 2016 Tampabay Heart Walk! What a great success at raising funds to help save lives, we couldn't have done it without you!
2015 TAMPA BAY HEARTWALK We Did it!! We Will Help Save Lives By: BILL GREEN My most memorable time for me at HSN in 2015 was my experience serving as a proud Co-Captain for the HSN Cares, Tampa Bay Heart walk along with Bobbi-Ray Carter my friend and fellow Host, Sharon Tochterman, Vice president of On Air Talent and our HSN Show Host Team. Together we reached an outstanding accomplishment in Support of HSN [...]