1 10, 2017

2017 Florida Inventors Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Gala

October 1st, 2017|PHILANTHROPY|0 Comments

I am privileged to once again, emcee the 2017 Florida Inventors Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Gala rescheduled for Monday, November 6. The Florida Inventors Hall of Fame (FIHF) honors and celebrates inventors whose achievements have advanced the quality of life for Floridians, and impacted our state and nation. By encouraging scientific discovery, FIHF supports a culture of creativity that fuels innovation, drives economic growth, and encourages investment. [...]

12 11, 2016

2016 Tampa Bay Heart Walk! It’s all about saving lives.

November 12th, 2016|PHILANTHROPY|0 Comments

Thank each and everyone of you who again supported me for this years 2016 Tampabay Heart Walk! What a great success at raising funds to help save lives, we couldn't have done it without you!

13 03, 2016



Welcome to Bill's Hot Topics!  I have so many interests, and although shopping is at the top of the list, I am a busy guy and I’m involved and I am interested in a wide variety of things in life.  That's why I have dedicated a portion of the Bill Green Official Website to a "Hot Topics" BLOG.  This is where I can frequently share with you by category my; professional, personal [...]

14 01, 2016


January 14th, 2016|PHILANTHROPY|0 Comments

2015 TAMPA BAY HEARTWALK We Did it!!  We Will Help Save Lives By: BILL GREEN My most memorable time for me at HSN in 2015 was my experience serving as a proud Co-Captain for the HSN Cares, Tampa Bay Heart walk along with Bobbi-Ray Carter my friend and fellow Host,  Sharon Tochterman, Vice president of On Air Talent and our HSN Show Host Team.  Together we reached an outstanding accomplishment in Support of HSN [...]

20 12, 2015

USF YOUNG INNOVATORS…Helping the Youth Develop Their Talents

December 20th, 2015|PHILANTHROPY|0 Comments

The first phase of my HSN Community Service is where I present a training seminar which I have developed on “How to Make an Effective Presentation”. This seminar is presented classroom style on the HSN Campus for the 10 finalist students who have been nominated by the local chapter of the N.A.I., (National Academy of Inventors) selection committee at the USF Campus in Tampa, FL.